Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Enforcement action of the commission against EU member states Assignment
Enforcement action of the commission against EU member states - Assignment Example ‘Economists certainly argue that reducing trade barriers will improve economic welfare or, at least, potentially so depending on whether losers can be and are, in fact, compensated by those who gain.’(Bob 2003) The law and legislation of the European Union is actually a whole body that regulates and governs a 28 member body. ‘The European law already has some sort of a constitution’ (Jurgen 2011). The law has its backbone on three main sources; the primary law, which composes different treaties, secondary comprising of regulations and different directives that are in tandem with such treaties The European Union was put in place by treaties from the member. Raisch (2007) posits that treaties form the backbone of the laws of the European Union. February 1992 welcomed the ‘Treaty on European Union.’ Up to date, this is a very important treaty. This is because; it realigns institutional arrangement as well as political systems. According to Raisch, â€Å"It added a new treaty alongside the Treaty Establishing the European Community.†(1992) Another important treaty that institutes the European Union is the â€Å"Treaty of Nice.†2003 was the year the treaty received its approval. This treaty provided a complete amendment into other treaties. This treaty boosts the role of the parliament as a partner-legislator and establishes fresh legal arrangements. It mandates the council to drop regulations presiding over political parties at the level of the European Union. With an expectation of an increase in members of the European parliament, the treaty restricts membership to 732 and reserves seats for member states as well as countries represented as candidates. This is not all, we have several treaties that have been ratified and accepted at different times in order to improve the functioning and progress of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reasons for Customer Service Policies
Reasons for Customer Service Policies Customer service is defined by (wiseGEEK. 2017) as the act of providing customers with helpful and positive experience, before after and during purchasing something, others like Staff, I. (2017) said that customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction, anyway we look at it customer service focus on customer satisfaction. This report is based on customer service at Secrets resorts and spas in Montego Bay, where the researcher is a manager and the job description is the promoting of a customer-focused culture and to train and develop staff to provide quality customer service. This report will be in the four-paragraph format and I will discuss the reasons for using customer service policies in this Organization and the importance of having customer service policies in the organization. Research findings: Reasons for customer service policies: Gives a stable competitor advantage. Promotes a good working environment. Increase cost efficiency. (, 2017) The importance of having customer service policies in the organization: Make or break a reputation. Customers will pay more for better customer service. Customer service has a big impact. (, 2017). In an organization, customer service is the backbone of how the business survives and this is the customer expectation of a business, good customer service and exceeding expectation (Nimetz,2017). Implementing customer service policies so that employees and employers alike will be on the same track as to how the customer service policies work in that organization, there are some reasons as to why customer service policies should be implemented theses are as follows. Customer services policies give a stable competitor advantage, this means that the competitor is selling the same service or product at the same price or maybe in the same location, what would make the difference is the customer service, this is what keeps the customer coming back. customer service policies also promote a good working environment to do this, employers have to motivate staff so that they can provide a good working environment for others and show that they are positive about the company customer service and doing all of this will increase cost efficiency by rising customer retention which will improve profits and in return customers will tell others of the great customer service they receive hence promoting the business (, 2017). Conclusion Customer service is very important in the hospitality industry and business overall as customers spend money where they feel valued so implementing policies so that everyone can be on the same page and deliver impeccable customer service is a great idea (Williams, 2017). Customer service policies make or break a reputation, in this modern world where technology is at the tap of the finger and different reviews can be posted right there and then. People are more prompt to post bad reviews and these reviews are what other people view to see if that organization is for them (, 2017). It is a fact that customers will pay more if the customer service is much better than the competition that is selling the same product or 2017 states that Surveys have shown that 86 % of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. People will always pay more if they think that they are getting a value for money which includes premiums experiences, early and better fea ture of whatever service they are purchasing (, 2017). The essential point is that customer service has a great impact on the organization, it is a lot cheaper to keep your existing customer than to get new ones, with the cost of advertising and, 2017 said that The U.S. Small Business Administration claims 68% of customers leave because theyre upset with the treatment theyve received, this cost business a lot of money trying to build back their reputation and get back customers (, 2017).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Set in the ever changing world of the Industrial Revolution, Charles Dickens’ novel Hard Times begins with a description of a utilitarian paradise, a world that follows a prescribed set of logically laid-out facts, created by the illustrious and "eminently practical" Mr. Gradgrind. However, one soon realizes that Gradgrind's utopia is only a simulacrum, belied by the devastation of lives devoid of elements that "feed the heart and soul," as well as the mind. As the years fly by, the weaknesses of Gradgrind's carefully constructed system become painfully apparent, especially in the lives of his children Louisa and Tom, as well as in the poor workers employed by one Mr. Josiah Bounderby, a wealthy factory owner and a subscriber to Gradgrind's system. Dickens, through the shattering of Gradgrind's utilitarian world, tells us that no methods, not even constant oppression and abuse, can defeat and overcome two basic needs of humans, our fundamental needs for emotion and imagi nation. Louisa, Mr. Gradgrind's favorite child, the paragon of his factual regime, leads a broken and embittered life which ends in a showdown between the ideologies of facts and fancy. She is a prime example of a child "filled to the brim" with knowledge by her father's strictly scientific education. Confused by her coldhearted upbringing, Louisa feels disconnected from her emotions and alienated from others, yet she yearns to experience more than the hard scientific facts she has absorbed all her life. While she vaguely recognizes that her father’s system of education has deprived her childhood of all joy, she cannot avoid being coldly rational and emotionally blunted, unable to actively invoke her emotions. She would have been a curious, passionate person who ... ...olution; he believed in internal parity and the growth of the mind and the spirit. He demonstrated that the system that "grinds down," but never building up, will ultimately result in chaos and woe for all those subjected to it. Through Hard Times, Dickens argues that all humans have an unconquerable need for imagination, emotion, and love. He tells us that this need cannot be altered or thwarted by any method of education or economic oppression, no matter how strict and abusive it might be. Hard Times illustrates Dickens' belief that it does not matter whether one is born in a nurturing or an abusive and neglectful surroundings. What matters is how an individual's true nature responds, changes, asserts itself and molds his or her environment. In the end, whether one remains thwarted or strives to fulfill and complete their lives determines who each person becomes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Villain, Hero, or Victim?
Katie Parlier Villain, Hero, or Victim? Jay Gatsby is one of America’s most prized antagonists who the reader genuinely wants to believe in but his personae of a hero is falsely presented and admired. Characters are commonly placed in either the hero or villain category, but Gatsby is the exception because he exhibits more qualities of a victim. Gatsby has fallen victimized by Daisy’s guise. During the initial relationship between Daisy and Gatsby in Kentucky, Daisy continues to encourage Gatsby’s affections even though she knows that there is no future with Gatsby.Gatsby is not and will never be aristocratic and in his pursuit of the impossible, Gatsby loses his identity along the way. A victim is defined as a person who has been harmed or tricked, and Gatsby unquestionably falls prey to Daisy’s ability to â€Å"smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into her money or †¦ vast carelessness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Before Gatsby and Daisy even met, Gatsby had set a goal to leave behind his poor roots and create a successful life full of wealth.Gatsby in the summer of 1924 has accomplished exactly that but because of his encounter with Daisy his initial dream changes and becomes further complicated because it now depends on the actions of another person. After Daisy and Gatsby’s month of romance, Gatsby has tacked on the ambition to not only become wealthy and successful for himself, but for the hope that Daisy will acknowledge his prosperity and select Gatsby as her husband. Daisy presents Gatsby with a false sense of hope because she knew all along that money was not enough, she must be involved with an aristocratic society.This fictitious sense of hope causes Gatsby to attain the maximum amount of money in the minimum amount of time; even it is accomplished in unsavory ways. Gatsby is victimized by Daisy’s lies and becomes a criminal just to satisfy Daisy’s needs. His criminal activity caused as a result by Daisy’s actions lead Gatsby into a downward spiral that is recognizable throughout the novel with the endless parties. Now that Gatsby has acquired his great wealth, he decides to attract Daisy by throwing ostentatious parties that attract people like kids flocking to the wonders of a circus.The never ending flamboyant parties become so vast, that the host morphs into a ghostlike entity with his presence known lurking around the parties every once in a while without being recognized as an actual man. Gatsby becomes this grand and mysterious socialite who not known by the own people who visit his house. His personality does not exist for the partygoers, so they have to create their own versions of the great Jay Gatsby. Gatsby does not bother with making friends while he is in West Egg because his only goal is to attract the attention of Daisy.Because he does not socialize, he has lived the life of a hermit creating new ways to fascinate Daisy while Daisy is out living her life without the slightest memory of Gatsby. Daisy does not acknowledge the presence of others unless they are some use to her, and manipulation and deceit towards Gatsby only continues to escalate as the novel progresses. The final victimized act of Gatsby’s life occurs when takes the blame for Daisy’s actions against Myrtle that eventually lead to his death. Just before Daisy’s hits Myrtle with Gatsby’s car, Daisy has chosen to stay with Tom because of Gatsby’s suspicious business practices.However Gatsby still believes that Daisy will come back to him because she never outright admitted to loving Tom. Just like Gatsby and Daisy’s month of love, Daisy is never able to tell Gatsby the truth and completely end her relationship with Gatsby because she likes the power. In both cases Gatsby is presented with the false sense of hope and once again becomes the victim of Daisy’s fun and games. Daisy is too selfish to realize that she is pla ying with someone’s life and her actions could have long term consequences to others.Up until the very end Daisy continues to manipulate Gatsby like an inconsiderate puppet master. She controls the strings of Gatsby’s life, but when things get messy Daisy takes the quickest way out, to remove her fragile societal image from the dubious situation. Daisy’s influence on Gatsby turned him from a strong-willed man who created a destiny to make himself a better man to a disappointed fool who modeled his life actions after the feelings of another. Gatsby has become the ultimate victim to the alluring qualities of a woman and never has the chance to recover.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
An Inch Closer to My Dream Essay
My exposure to my father’s dental practice has effectually inspired me to pursue a profession along a similar line. This dream has become an ultimate priority at this point in my life. It is my dream and I would do anything just to reach that dream, understanding the time, effort, and good work ethic that the dream requires. As a dentist, my father has specialized in implant surgery, and firsthand, I was able to see how his work transformed the lives of his patients – not only changing them physically, but changing more profoundly the way they looked at themselves and the world. I am a Korean, majoring in Art and I went to the United States to study Biology instead at California State University, Northridge. I have discovered that this degree has fully maximized my potential and it led me to the path where I am most fulfilled. Science is very essential to everyone’s existence and I cannot bear not to think critically of what is happening around us. It was very stimulating for me to solve problems of nature and life that I would wish to extend my study and earn a Master’s degree within the same field. I am very looking forward of pursuing functional anatomy, physiology, genetics, and embryology. My reason for pursuing oral biology at NYU is not merely because it is to my personal preference or liking. While that is one factor, I have also considered wanting to contribute to the betterment of Korean society in my own little way. I feel that through oral biological research, I would be able to make a dent in our social fabric, discovering new things about cures for diseases or mechanisms of seemingly untreatable illnesses. This has been a personal mission because I have had the chance to be exposed to indigent communities who are in dire need of help. Through oral biological research, I may be able to help these communities alleviate their poverty within my own sphere of influence. My volunteer work at my father’s clinic has allowed me to foster this desire to help other people authentically through the dental arts. Fortunately, I was enhance familiarity with dental procedures, including orthodontic treatment, root canal, prophylaxis, x-rays, among others. The idea alone of being able to make a difference in people’s lives, through oral biology, excites me. It makes me even more eager to pursue my course and be very competent biologist. Apart from wanting to help impoverished communities, I have also taken careful note of the level of scientific progress that Korea has attained. Unofrtunately, it is not as advanced as first world countries such as the United States. Thorugh my own contribution, I would like to see the advancement of science in my home country. I would love pursue my studies in a different university and I chose New York University to broaden my horizons, and gain new perspectives from a different environment and from different set of individuals. I believe that I can learn more by being exposed to a diverse culture and New York is the right place. Being able to study in New York, and also later work there is a great opportunity for me. Moreover, the Graduate Program in Oral Biology fits perfectly to my needs. Going through NYU’s website, I am filled with excitement as I realize that this course shall accord me with a solid foundation in the oral biological sciences, which are more specifically targetd at teaching and research. Some areas which I am particularly interested with are periodontal and caries microbiology, chemical carcinogenesis, mechanisms of mineralization, periodontal wound healing, and tumor immunology. I also believe that this school only produces the best, and I want to become the person I would be proud of in the future. This is where I should start my future. I think that exposure to various cultures shall also help me grow significantly as a person and professional. I will be able to learn how to deal with people with different backgournds, upbringing, and cultural heritage. Because I shall have the chance to interact with them frequently, I will be able to understand and respect their culture. This is very important, since stereotypes cause people to make biased decisions, which lead to social inequity. I would love to think that my enrollment in the university will help me become more impartial to race / color. I feel that the thrusts put forth by the university are strongly consistent with those that I personally uphold. I have high hopes that I will qualify to form part of this prestigious institution. It will surely be a privilege that I will take profound pride in. And because of such pride, I will work hard to excel academically. The ultimate goal is for me to become a competent professional – to be able to contribute substantially to humanitarian causes.
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