Tuesday, January 28, 2020
What is Personal development plan(PDP)?
What is Personal development plan(PDP)? Introduction Personal development plan is another name of plan of actions. Which we can use to achieve our future goals. We can make the model of our own choice which we can implement in our life according to our future plans. We make plans everyday but do not always write them down, PDP allows you to set your own targets and find best way to achieve them. Definition Personal development plan refers to The creation of an action plan based on a reflection of your personal, career, and academic objectives. (Personal developing planning, Wikipedia) Basic steps To make the PDP work, it depends on, how much benefits we can derive from PDP plan before making the PDP we should keep following points in our minds†¦ †¢ What I am good at †¢ What I need to work on †¢ What could help me along †¢ What might stop me What I need to do? What I need to do it is very difficult question in our daily life. We never think about how we establish our life how can be a successful person. That is why we spend whole life as a normal person nobody knows us and we bury in grave. Who is successful? Does rich or luck is important in success? Luck is not important in a successful life. But money plays an important role if person knows how to utilise it. But if person does not have both ingredients he should have passion, energy and enthusiasm to achieve oriented goals. How could compete and manage things in life. One and only key to be successful â€Å"Set a goal, Take risk then dive into the situation there is more chances to achieve it†My plan â€Å"Invest without boundaries within world markets†Now days it is simple to get good profits with low investments. Trade in international markets and start with low investments. But first of all should have knowledge of markets. How markets could behave? What are factors which can be good or bad in markets? What is the best time to invest and what time is for sale? Good time to invest? It is recession time and share prices falling sharply. It could be the good time for investment. The world economy is a volatile place right now. Stocks markets going downward frequently and it is down almost 40% on the year. Right now stocks low across the board. It could be a buying opportunity for those who have a longer investment plans. Because long time for shares to gain value. (cashmoneylife.com) Invest with the plan Never invest blindly. Always make the plans what you want to achieve for short term or long term. Otherwise it can be disaster. Make plans. Like †¢ How market is behaving in the start †¢ A specific company. What are Directors activities? †¢ What is the target? where need to enter or leave the market †¢ How is company behaving throughout the year? profit or loss †¢ Should have maximum information about the company †¢ Is it time for buy or sale †¢ Never be greedy always follow the numbers Products: Investment options Stocks and shares Shares are the most common and well known form of investment in the world. In simple terms, buying stocks or equity gives part ownership or a ‘share in a business. The more shares buy, the greater stake of the business own, and the more influence can have in how its run. In return for investing in the business, receive dividends and share in the growth of the company. And receive loss if share value will shrink. There are two main types of shares: ordinary and preference. Ordinary shares usually entitle you to vote at shareholder meetings and receive dividends, which are a proportion of the companys post-tax profits. Preference shares have priority for repayment over ordinary shares when it comes to dividends and entitlement. Remember one more thing shares value can fall as well as rise and should prepared to lose the investments. Financial spread trading (FST) Financial Spread Trading (FST), also known as Spread Betting, is a high-risk, high reward activity. It offers a tax efficient way of trading a wide variety of products across the global financial markets. Its a versatile tool that can help you to profit from both up and downward movements in prices. FST account you can bet on a variety of instruments including major indices, currencies, commodities and individual equities quoted on leading exchanges. FST can be traded online or on the phone. †¢ No direct commission or stamp duty †¢ Ability to bet on markets going short as well as up †¢ Leverage deposit only a fraction of the contract value Contract for difference (CFD) CFD is a leverage product and provide a way to trade on the price movements of a wide range of assets including equities, indices, currencies and commodities without the need to buy and hold the underlying asset directly. Although they are traded in a similar way to ordinary shares, CFD can be used to speculate on upward or downward price movements, making them a flexible alternative to traditional trading. With CFD trading dont need to pay the full price of the asset, allowing maximize stake for only a fraction of the capital outlay would need to buy or sell the asset directly. (Stockbrokers.barclays.co.uk/products) â€Å"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful†(nytimes.com, by Warren E.) Reference: Nytimes.com stockbrokers.barclays.co.uk Wikipedia.org/wiki/motivation cashmoneylife.com
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Essay --
Jeremy Burrafato 12-11-13 ENG 4800-01 Final Essay Psychoanalytical Criticism on Stories of Madmen The descent into madness has been a facet of many stories throughout human history. Voices in one’s head, delusions, as well as dreams and nightmares, are common in these types of stories. In Edgar Allen Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart, and Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, the characters within the stories face these sorts of problems. In The Tell-Tale Heart, the narrator/protagonist experiences an obsession with a physical trait of an elderly man, in which he associates with evil. This evil eye and the obsession in which the narrator holds for it eventually cause the narrator to do the unthinkable. Kill the old man. A Christmas Carol tells the tale of an older gentleman who experiences a series of encounters with ghosts who show him the error of his ways. These dream like scenarios in which he encounters these spirits are none other than actual dreams and wish-fulfillment based on his fears and guilt. Both of these classic tales weave notions of psychological intricacies within their pages. The Tell-Tale Heart details the descent into madness of a man who is suffering from some form of paranoid schizophrenia; while A Christmas Carol reveals that its main character while not having a traumatic form of mental illness like that of Poe’s story, does share many anxieties and delusions based on guilt and obsession much like the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart. Both characters have and cope with varying degrees of mental illness, or at least symptoms of such illnesses in some form or another. For the purpose of this essay, the version of the story that will be referenced is the one handed out to us in our class, thus any references to the st... ...in the forms of countless movies, including the likes of Disney, as well as being a record breaking theatrical play. Charles Dickens work has been a staple of writing for years, and this piece is no exception. The story of A Christmas Carol begins with a misery old man named Scrooge working in his counting house on Christmas Eve, his clerk sitting in the front working as well. Various people come inside to greet him including his nephew whom he basically tells to leave after being invited to a Christmas party. He is then visited by people who are looking for donations for the poor. This sets up Scrooges hate for the holiday as well as his greed. His greed is the primary basis for his loneliness and anger, which is amplified during the holiday season. To understand Scrooges hate for the holiday season, one could look back to a time when he would have enjoyed it.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Officer Recruitment and Selection Process Essay
Firstly we need to introduce our self to the topic as the selection process of various levels of police such as local, state or federal officer and also included will be the various training programs through which the officers of each level goes before they are employed as officer is what will be getting discussed. So as most individuals are aware of the fact that police officers play most important role in maintaining disciplines and also they are the one who are most reliable for fighting with various types of crimes and criminals. It is very clear that the job of a police officer is a very hard one because they do face very tough problems while doing their job, so this is the reason why police officers do need to go through a very tough training and also various selection processes so that they do not face any difficulty while handling various criminals and therefore can perform their job very well. As there are certain levels of police officers like local, state and federal polic e officers and also of them go through various training programs before they are appointed as police officers. So let’s discuss the selection process of a local, state, federal police officer, there are some requirements which are checked in the selection process. These are: Health- It is very important to know the physical and mental condition of an officer before selecting because it is very important to make sure that police officer is of sound mind and is also physically very strong to handle any bad situations. Then we have Integrity / Conduct – It means that person who will be selected must have a very god record of his behavior and good conduct. Next is Residence – which is the next thing that is judged before selecting a police officer is to make sure that person is residence of the United States which can further help the selection officers to collect other relevant data regarding background of the person and also about the family of the person. 4) Driving License – The person who is applying for the job of a Police Officer must have some identity cards like Driving license other than being an Identity card it also serves the purpose if the officer is needed to drive a car during his duty, so to drive a car or any vehicle u need a driving license weather u are a police officer or not it does not matter. 4) Qualification – The fourth requirement is the possession of certain qualified degrees like a person needs to be high school degree holder which makes sure that person has a good knowledge and can handle various situations very well. 5) Certificates – The person also needs to have some certificates such as domicile certificate, character certificate etc. After the first stage of selection process is finished which is known as initial selection process and if a candidate passes above requirements then he is required to go through, in second stage of selection process the first test is psychometric test, in this test various qualities like trust-worthiness, self-esteem, sympathy, sensitivity, integrity, self – control, flexibility, objectivity etc. apart from that some other skills like writing skills, listening skills, reading skills are examined and after examining these pre decided qualities which they look in every police officer the person is required to go through physical and medical fitness test and if a candidate goes through this physical and medical process then he or she is needed to go through a panel interview . In a panel interview person is needed to appear in front of some officers with some documents and in the interview session officers try to examine various aspects of the person like skills, confidence, and apart from that the most important thing which is the will of the person to work as a police officer or not. After the completion of the interview the next step is to make a merit list and then finally the list of the short listed students till the interview round is given out. We can say at this point the selection process is nearly complete because after this process of training begins. The training period is the most crucial period for any police officer because it is the time when a police officer really develops all the skills which are required for any person to become a police officer and only when one completes training he can be called as a police officer and not before that. In the training period which can be of 1 – 2 years the person is required to live in the ac ademy where he goes through training and also various facilities are provided in the training center. In the training process person is trained to survive in toughest conditions which he can ever face during his duty, and to make him tough he is given training in various things such as swimming, horse riding, shooting and also various other things which he needs to have. So in the end we can say that these are the basic steps for selection process of a police officer whether he or she is a police officer at local level, state level or at federal level. Each officer at each level must go through this process and only after that he or she become a police officer, so after the completion of these steps a final merit list is made and is declared among the candidates and according to the merit list or we can say according to the numbers scored by all the candidates in the various stages of the selection process the officers are given their ranks, as the person who tops the list will get a very good rank as compared to other officers and the persons that follow him in the merit list will get posting at low positions, so we can finally say that selection process and also the training process for the recruitment of officers at the local level, state level, federal level is a very transparent process. References http://www.police.qld.gov.au/join/recruitment/default.htm Retrieved on 16 January, 2015. http://www.policeone.com/police-products/training/services/ Retrieved on 16 January, 2015.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Major Differences between Cultures - 765 Words
The final major difference between cultures has to do with their economic system. There are three worldviews on how we make money: dependent, independent, and interdependent. In an agricultural economy or dependent worldview, there is a great discrepancy between the peasant class and the elite ruling class. The masses are more reliant on family and village groups, and they believe putting the group first is beneficial for society as a whole. The downfall is that because of the oppression of the ruling class, people lack personal choice to make their own decisions and chase their dreams. Next is an industrial economy or independent worldview. Because a society is more manufacturing-based, success in the workplace is what’s needed. People are more in control of their own lives, put their own goals first, are more competitive, demand equality, take risks, and use a direct communication style. It provides for greater personal power and freedom, but can leave others behind in the d esire to succeed. Rounding out the economic systems is a post-industrial economy or interdependent worldview. This is best described as a mix of the previous two economies. On the surface, some values and customs seem similar to a dependent worldview, that is, people work together to achieve greater good for the company and society as a whole. But they are aware of their individuality and independence. They aren’t dependent on the group for survival, but choose to team up and work with others to haveShow MoreRelatedCollectivism : A Different Brain Pattern Known As Collectivism1257 Words  | 6 PagesA very clear difference has emerged between different societies. This goes beyond the varying dress, food, and laws that are in difference cultures. It also penetrates the mindset of the people. In some cultures, such as China, there is a different brain pattern known as collectivism. 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