Thursday, December 26, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Produire (to Produce) in French
The French verb produire looks similar to its English meaning of to produce, so that makes it relatively easy to remember. However, if youre going to use it properly in a sentence, its necessary to know its verb conjugations. These allow you to say things such as produced and producing and this lesson will help you learn those essential conjugates. The Basic Conjugations of Produire French verb conjugations are not the easiest part of learning the language because you have many words to memorize. Some verbs are more challenging than others and, unfortunately, produire is one of those. Produire is an irregular verb and it does not follow a regular conjugation pattern. However, it is not alone because all French verbs ending in -uire are conjugated in the same way. To make each a little easier to learn, consider taking on a few at a time. The irregularity of this verb means you will have to commit all of its conjugates to memory. Beginning with the indicative mood is the best approach. This includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses that you will use most often in conversation. Using the chart, match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for your subject. This will show you which ending is added to the verb stem (produi- ) to produce the conjugate. For example, je produis means I am producing while nous produisions means we produced. Present Future Imperfect je produis produirai produisais tu produis produiras produisais il produit produira produisait nous produisons produirons produisions vous produisez produirez produisiez ils produisent produiront produisaient The Present Participle of Produire Acting as a verb, or a noun, adjective, or gerund in some circumstances, the present participle of produire adds -sant to the stem. This produces the word produisant. Produire in the Compound Past Tense Passà © composà ©Ã‚ is the French compound past tense. This construction requires the past participle produit along with the present tense conjugate of avoir. When you put the two together, you get phrases such as jai produit (I produced) and nous avons produit (we produced). More Simple Conjugations of Produire There are a few more basic conjugations you may need. Among those are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former implies uncertainty while the latter is used in if...then situations. Both the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are literary tenses and found most often in literature. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je produise produirais produisis produisisse tu produises produirais produisis produisisses il produise produirait produisit produist nous produisions produirions produismes produisissions vous produisiez produiriez produistes produisissiez ils produisent produiraient produisirent produisissent You might also find the French imperative useful for produire. When you do use it, its okay to skip the subject pronoun and simply say produis.​ Imperative (tu) produis (nous) produisons (vous) produisez
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Theory Of Classical Conditioning - 908 Words
Ivan Pavlov was the first to introduce the idea of classical conditioning after doing many experiments on dogs and the way they salivated. After Pavlov, an experiment by Watson was done on baby Albert. Skinner was one of the first to introduce the idea of operant conditioning while doing experiments with pigeons, cats, rats, and dogs. Both of these ways to condition are used in every day life, whether we know it or not. Often times, we are conditioned to actions that we had no clue about. Classical conditioning is involuntary learning that involves linking two different types of stimuli and the anticipation for events caused by those stimuli to happen in the future. The unconditioned stimulus (US) is a stimulus that occurs naturally without any conscious thought. The unconditioned stimulus (US) triggers an unconditioned response (UR), which also occurs automatically and naturally. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is associated with the unconditioned response (UR) to trigger a response. This response is called a conditioned response (CR) because it is a learned response even though it was a neutral response before. An example of classical conditioning would be picking up a dog leash and the dog thinking they are going for a walk. Before the conditioning, the leash didn’t mean anything to the dog. When the owner would open the door (unconditioned stimulus), the dog would get excited (unconditioned response) because he got to go outside and walk around. During the conditioning,Show MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning929 Words  | 4 PagesDiscussion 5 1. Define: Classical Conditioning is learning theory based on the assumption that the learning process occurs due to associations between an environmental stimulus and a natural occurring stimulus, as indicated in our textbook. This learning theory was developed by John Watson. He proposed that this theory is able to explain human behavior. Watson also assumed that our environment shapes our personality as a whole. His ideas were influenced by the findings of Ivan Pavlov, a RussianRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1129 Words  | 5 PagesIn this assignment I will be looking at the Behaviourist perspective with Ivan Pavlov’s (1902) theory about classical conditioning. I will be discussing how I have used human development and learning perspectives in my placement to support young people in their personal and social development with providing a case study about them. I will be writing about how the theory demonstrates effective youth and community work practice including the five pillars of youth work. Behaviourists look at behaviourRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1360 Words  | 6 PagesIs it possible to rouse fear from a stimulus that at first caused no such response? Classical conditioning is a type of learning where a response is produced from combining a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to produce an unconditioned response. Ivan Pavlov did a famous study, pairing the sound of a bell with food to produce salivation. After a while, just the sound alone would produce salivation. â€Å"Little Albert†, an infant that belonged to a wet nurse at the Harriet Lane HomeRead MoreTheory of Classical Conditioning1051 Words  | 4 PagesClassical Conditioning Introduction In psychology, there are number of theories and ideas which are used to influence the way someone reacts to particular events. In the case of classical conditioning, these ideas have been utilized to create short and long term transformations about how someone sees and reacts to the world around them. To fully understand how this is taking place requires examining these techniques and the way they are influencing behavior. This will be accomplished by studyingRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1202 Words  | 5 PagesIn this essay the ways in which classical conditioning principals have been used to treat problem behaviours in humans will be discussed. Firstly the findings of Ivan Pavlov’s research experiment on classical conditioning will be explained. Then a number of his basic principals that include extinction, spontaneous recovery, stimulus generalisation and acquisition will be explored. Finally, the use of behavioural therapy in treating problem behaviours, specifically in relation to systematic desensitisationRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1070 Words  | 5 Pages(1929) and Watson and Rayner (1920) contributed to the theory of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning argues behaviour is learned through the continued pairing of a stimulus that creates a response. This can be a fear response as identified by Watson and Rayner (1920) where a healthy eleven-month-old boy was conditioned to feel fear when he saw a fluffy white toy. This fear extended to any fluffy white object. Operant conditioning theory was developed through the findings of Skinner (1938)Read MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1222 Words  | 5 Pagesexperienced. Although Harlow has found this theory, Ivan Pavlov experimented with dogs and discovered classical conditioning. Classical conditioning can show how attitudes are formed and changed, how and when attitudes influence behavior, and how we change attitudes and behavior. Classical conditioning is basically learning through association, which induces involuntary or automatic responses to certain stimuli. A famous example is Pavlov’s dogs, before conditioning the dogs would salivate (UCR) when meatRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning994 Words  | 4 Pagestransfer persist, although with a certain loss in the intensity of the reaction, for a longer period than one month.†The data reported in this paper definitely supports this conclusion. The purpose of this experiment was to test the theory of classical conditioning as well as transfer (stimulus generalization); and to see if they would be able to successfully condition an emotional response of fear. When this experiment began, Little Albert was 11 months and 3 days old. Watson and Rayner exposedRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning Theory Essay712 Words  | 3 Pagesattachment theory is a psychological, an ethological and an evolutionary theory that is concerned with relationships between humans, specifically between mother and infant. An infant has to develop a relationship with at least one of their primary caregivers for them to develop socially and emotionally. This essay will look at evaluating the theories of Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson, Edward Thorndike, BF Skinner, John Bowlby (1958), and Mary Anisworth (1979) Two important learning theories of behavioristRead MoreThe Theory Of Classical Conditioning1824 Words  | 8 PagesClassical conditioning The first theory of learning is called classical conditioning and was developed by Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist. He started working with dogs to investigate their digestive system, they were ties to a harness and Pavlov added monitors to their stomachs and mouths to measure the rate of saliva produced. He found out that when a lab assistant came in to give the dog food before the dog tasting the food it started to produce saliva, saliva is a reflex response and Pavlov
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Diversity Policy Socio Economic Background
Question: Discuss about the Diversity Policy for Socio Economic Background. Answer: Diversity, especially in workplaces, helps create a conducive working environment for people of disparate socio-economic backgrounds. Moreover, it makes them feel comfortable by promoting equal opportunities among them. It enables a company embrace difference by accommodating employees of various backgrounds. This, in turn, expands a companys business partners, customer demographics as well as internal performance methods. Depending on the country an organization operates, there are legal considerations that a manager should consider. These considerations range from one country to another. These laws are formulated to encourage diversity in workplaces by embracing foreigners or employees from various cultures across the world. For example, the international laws champions for non-discrimination in workplaces. There are non-discrimination standards set internationally to ensure that employees are not discriminated based on their cultural backgrounds. Management practices also require ethical codes to help promote effective diversity management in workplaces. Such legal and ethical codes include[1]. One of the ethical considerations for management is language which is vital aspect in communication especially at workplaces. Second, it is important to consider the cultural beliefs of employees as they are the core factors in determining their workability and how they interact with others. Third, cultural and religious institutions are important determinants of peoples way of day-to-day lives. It also determines their reaction towards different people and incidences. Fourth, a manager should also consider one's values about work and education. This is important in boosting their morale at work. There exist social and economic differences between people of disparate cultural backgrounds which affects their workability. It is also ethical to consider values held by different employees about family structure. Various families hold different structural values based on their cultural backgrounds that affect their relations at the work place. Another closely connected factor is a power which comes with the family structure. For a hierarchical family structure with the male at the top gives a man more power. Consequentially, this determines how male relate with female colleagues at workplace. Finally, there exist rules on how people from similar background operate. Such rules define their behavior based on how they relate to their seniors at workplace. Service providing organizations deal with different individuals and families from various social backgrounds. Some they interact with patients or individuals speaking totally different languages with disparate beliefs and norms. It, therefore, becomes challenging to offers services especially when it involves interacting with such people. Some of the barriers to inclusive experienced by service providers are as follows[2]. One of the barriers to inclusion is language. Communication becomes a problem especially when there is no common language between them and the target community. Literacy among some communities also becomes a challenge. This is more pronounced when offering health services as some locals cannot even read drug prescriptions. The third is different decision-making systems in various communities which pre-suppose specific ethnocultural backgrounds. Some cultures make a decision concerning health based on their norms and hence would not welcome alien methods as they are considered a corruption of their culture. Fourth, negative experiences with previous organizations make individuals extend distrust to other new organizations. For instance, if a community has had cases of cultural oppression with a certain organization then it is unlikely to welcome any organization from the same region or place. Another barrier to inclusive is cultural stereotypes or misconceptions held by different people. Stereotypes such as those of a community being unwelcoming or harsh affect perception or relation with service providers. Sixth, lack of respect and sensitivity for difference greatly affects relationships between service providers and the community. Different communities also have concerns about confidentiality and the fear of disclosing community secrets. This limits the degree of communication between the community and service providers. Finally, some communities fear services providers based historical experiences or injustices. For example, some colonizers used brutal assimilation policies which are strongly opposed by their colonies. Cross-cultural communication has become vital especially in business environments for the purpose of expanding one's reach regarding customers and audience. Moreover, community service providers also require a better understanding of local languages for effective service delivery. However, it is important always to consider the difference in cultural and practices when communicating. The following are 10 effective strategies for cross-cultural communication[3]. First, it is important to have a better understanding of the culture one is dealing with. This is important in generating services that resonate with the community to minimize inclusive barriers. One should also be flexible regarding communication channels being used. They should be open to different communication methods such as word-of-mouth or face-to-face among others to relay the message. Third, there is a need to respect differences within the target communities. This can be achieved by conducting a prior research on the communities. Active listening is also a significant factor for understanding the needs of a particular community. It also involves giving the communities a voice to express their needs. Fifth, one should have a high degree of self-awareness to make a change in society. It is thus important to develop services that are self-aware of the target communitys cultures and norms. One is also encouraged to ask questions to clear any doubts rather than making assumptions. It expands ones knowledge of the cultural norms. Seventh, honesty is an important aspect of cross-cultural communication. It is through honesty that one can win the communitys trust and hence their corporation. However, dishonesty leads to distrust hence a barrier to inclusive. Stereotyping is an important tool for understanding a target community. However, stereotyping ones target community may lead to rejection. One should clearly distinguish perspectives when dealing with different communities. A clear understanding of a communitys values, beliefs, prejudices, and biases enable him, or she addresses them effectively. Finally, it is important to keep the communication simple for better understanding by the target audience. Most of the target communities may be speaking the common language as their second language hence has little understanding. Inclusivity promotes effective service delivery and communication in a cross-cultural interaction. Moreover, individuals relate effectively in workplaces by being able to understand others cultural norms and practices. Therefore, practices and principles supporting inclusive are vital in promoting difference cultural awareness in communities and workplaces[4]. A principle such as treating everyone with respect and fairly helps create a feeling of belonging among them. Respecting others cultural values and beliefs makes them feel accepted in a certain professional or social setting thus promoting inclusivity. There are practices in workplaces or in community service delivery that promote acknowledgment of diversity. For example, embracing unique skills and qualities among employees creates a multicultural society in workplaces. It makes employees feel appreciated thus boosting their morale. Moreover, acceptance at workplaces also enhances work relations which in turn improve the productivity of employees. Assigning appropriate diversity roles to individuals at workplaces also encourages performance. It promotes individuals such a leader's or managers commitment to promoting diversity among employees[5]. Moreover, assigning diversity role makes it every employees responsibility to promote and foster a diverse work environment. Additionally, monitoring employees performance in diversity role also helps shape their attitudes towards others of different cultural background. Workplace objectives define the short-term goals an organization is aiming to achieve. They can include the size of customers a business is targeting over a given period. Objectives can also include financial goals such a specific amount of assets an organization is aiming to attain over a certain period. Achieving such objectives require the corporation of everyone in the company from subordinate employees to the top leaders. Moreover, it requires aligning their activities or practices towards achieving such objectives. One way of determining whether workplace practices match its objectives is examining the commitment of everyone towards achieving the objectives. Low commitment among employees indicates low productivity which translates to an inability to achieve company objectives. On the other hand, a high degree of commitment among employees indicates high productivity. Secondly, setting and adhering to ethical codes is also an important factor in attaining company objectives. Ethical codes are important since they dictate the relationship between individuals at the workplace. Good workplace relationships promote conducive working environment hence increasing productivity. Project Diversity childcare Policy. Diversity is a concept that encompasses respect and acceptance. It requires one to understand that everyone is unique and accepting our differences. Such differences can be along dimensions of ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, socio-economic status, religious beliefs, physical abilities or ideologies. Diversity, therefore, explores such differences in a positive, safe and nurturing environment[6]. Moreover, it supports understanding one another to embrace their individual dimensions of diversity. Diversity is important to organizations and their clients because it promotes interaction that translates to understanding client need to provide appropriate services. Moreover, diversity opens up horizons for expansion hence increasing customer base. Rationale The childcare diversity policy is aimed at protecting young people and children of diverse linguistic, cultural, religious or ethnic backgrounds who are at risk of harm or are harmed. Cultural Awareness Culture can be described as an integrated way of human behavior that includes actions, thoughts, communications, values, beliefs, and customs, religious, ethnic and social groups[7]. Therefore different cultures have disparate values regarding childcare. It is thus important to create awareness to various communities on matters regarding child labor, forced early marriages among others to protect child rights. Principles and Values The policy is based on the following principles and values to ensure child protection[8]. Respecting and valuing diversity: The organization should respect and value diversity by accommodating individuals from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds. This includes respecting and valuing positive parenting practices of individuals from different backgrounds. Interests and welfare of a child are important: Irrespective of ones cultural background, they should adhere to the laws concerning childs right. They should not use culture as an excuse to violate child rights. Objectives and goals One objective of the policy is to develop cross-cultural competence. This involves ensuring that systems and individuals respond respectfully to those of different languages, classes, religions, cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The first strategy to achieving this is by creating cultural awareness about ones culture as well as the associated interactions and behaviors. It involves recognizing ones personal biases as well as stereotypes, valuing cultural diversity and acknowledging cultural influence. Secondly, cross-cultural competence can be achieved by acquiring knowledge concerning other cultures. There is need to learn about other peoples cultural behaviors and practices as a way of accepting and embracing cultural difference. Thirdly, cross-cultural competence can be implemented by developing cross-cultural skills such as cross-cultural communications among various communities. For example, cross-cultural communication promotes communication among different communities hence enhancing cultural acceptance[9]. Another objective of the policy is to ensure that needs of children are met appropriately by collecting accurate information about different cultures. One strategy to achieving this is through creating close contact with various communities. It requires close interaction with individuals of different cultural backgrounds. Second strategy is by understanding cultural practices of various communities. Cultural practices such as circumcision are closely related to childcare directly or indirectly. For example, it is important to identify the age at which a child is considered an adult to go through circumcision. Thirdly, recording relevant information concerning various cultures is crucial in understanding their historical way of lives. The information recorded can thus be used in understanding the community and their practices in relevance to childcare policies and regulations. Benefits The childcare policy will help promotes effective childcare by creating culturally sensitive awareness among communities. Moreover, the organization will be able to develop efficient communication approaches to relay childcare message to various communities. By understanding cultural and linguistic differences, the organization will be able to relate to the communities and offer resonating services. Inclusivity Inclusivity ensures that every individual is accepted regardless of their cultural, ethnic, religious, or social groups. By supporting inclusivity, the policy will ensure that every individual is aligned with the policies and legislations protecting children rights. Strategies Some of the strategies that will employ by the organization to achieve diversity include[10]: Creating working knowledge of child rearing practices of different communities: The organization will examine and recognize different ways of parenting practiced by disparate communities. This will involve issues such as the age at which a child is left unsupervised or to take care of another child. Learning about traditional cultural practices: By understanding different traditional cultural practices, the organization will be able to distinguish those harmful and beneficial to a child. Legislation The childcare policy is supported by policy and legislative requirements such as: The Child Protection Act 1999 The United Nations Convention on Childs Rights. Child Safety Policy No. 458-2, and department of communities. Monitoring Implementation of the policy will be monitored by ensuring that parental cultural practices of different cultures do not violate the child rights. This will bring about success by developing a multicultural society sensitive about child rights[11]. Communication styles The policy supports cross-cultural communication styles that involve active listening to understand cultural differences among different communities on parenting practices. It will also involve honesty with the target communities. The organization will also use interpreters to gain a clear understanding of the needs of various communities. Organization policies and guidelines For the child care policy to work successfully there is a need to align it with the organizational policies and guidelines. Organizational policies determine how the employees and will relate with each other as well as their leaders at the workplace. It is thus important that employees adhere to organizational policies in dealing with clients by being sensitive about cultural development. List of References Child Protection Act 1999. Child safety policy No. 458-2 Congress, E. The use of culturagrams to assess and empower culturally diverse families. Families in Society, 1994. Devore, W. and Schlesinger, E. (1999). Ethnic-sensitive social work practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Gelfand, D. and Yee, B. Trends and forces: Influence of immigration, migration, And acculturation of the fabric of aging in America. Generations 15, 1991. National Association of Social Workers. Code of ethics. Washington DC: NASW Press. 1999 Parry, J. and Ryan .Across-cultural look at death, dying, and religion. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth.1995 Webb, N.B. Social work practice with children. New York: Guilford Press, 1996 Strategies for effective cross-cultural communication [online]: accessed: August 30, 2016
Monday, December 2, 2019
Mp3S Friend Or Foe Essays - Digital Audio, File Sharing
Mp3'S: Friend Or Foe? MP3s : Friend or Foe? MP3s, a breakthrough in technology or are they just another bomb waiting to explode on us? Some say they are good while others argue that they are not just bad, but horrific to musicians that want to make it to the top. MP3s are used widely by teenagers on their home computer, usually illegally and are constantly being threatened by the producer of the music. Billions of dollars are being lost due to the Internet craze of the MP3 technology mainly because no one is buying the legal music from record stores anymore, its like a style gone dead. Now that the problem is out, Internet police are on the loose to find these illegal distributors of music and put them to a stop. When all the smoke is cleared, it is apparent that the producer of music will have eventual victory over the users in the MP3 battle. MPEG Audio Layer 3, which is what this anarchic instigator of war file format is known as, but to us it is a MP3 which is a part of the MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 specifications which could be used for movies. MP3s compresses CD-quality sound by a factor of 12 or more while still providing a great high quality sound to it. A MP3 is now becoming mainstream format for music like records, tapes, and CDs which are currently being used, but to play MP3s a program is needed like Winamp or Microsofts Windows Media Player. The MP3 has become the most commonly used but unofficial file format to encode digital music for downloading off the Internet. The Internet is the heart of the MP3, without it, this new format would never survive because the Net allows surfers to download songs in a matter of minutes without cost or legal implications. This compressed MP3 technology is popping up everywhere on the Internet. There is no music site that you can go to where a MP3 of some sort is not being offered, jus t log on and download. A lot of people believe that MP3s are breaking copyrights and is a part of online piracy. Online piracy is playing or downloading from the Internet songs and lyrics without authorization and without compensating the artists. Downloading even one song without permission or compensation is considered online piracy. Pirate recordings are the unauthorized duplications of copyrighted recordings, the packaging of the recording, art, label, title, sequencing, etc. are all a part of piracy. When people download MP3s from the Internet, they fail to recognize the copyrights that are in place because they are written in font sizes under 10pts or are skipped by the user. Though it is the fault of creator of the site, the creator knows that if people stop going to the site, money stops being made so the creator must hide all items that might deterrent the user from leaving the web site. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) has two copyrights that apply to MP3s. 1. Copyright in musical work That is, lyrics and musical notes as theyre written on paper. This copyright is typically owned by the songwriter or music publisher 2. Copyright in the sound recording Which is a recording of a performer singing or playing the particular song. This copyright is usually owned by the record company. Therefore the only legal way to copy, download, upload, a piece of music is to get permission first which every user forgets about or doesnt even bother. This the primary cause for the war of legal rights that goes on every day because free is good right? Wrong! It isnt just that people are taking music for free or that fans of every musical taste have turned to the Internet to satisfy their need for music, its because millions and millions of dollars are being lost everyday to the people that make the music all possible. The Canadian Recording Industry Association reports that there are around 80, 000 infringing MP3 sites on the Internet and each one is carrying around 300 or more recordings , and thats just counting plain MP3 sites excluding pornographic sites with MP3s, Wares applications and game sites with MP3s
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Confusing Preposition Pairs in English
Confusing Preposition Pairs in English Confusing preposition pairs in English is one of the most common mistakes for ESL students. To help you avoid this mistake, review some of the most commonly confused pairs of prepositions below. In / Into The key difference between in and into is that in indicates a state of being, whereas into indicates motion. For example, into is often used to describe the movement of something from outdoors to indoors, such as in the sentence, I walked into the house. By contrast, in is used when a thing or person is stationary. For example, I found the book in the drawer. Examples Jack drove his car into the garage.My friend lives in that house.The teacher came quickly into the room and began the lesson.The dishes are in that cupboard. On / Onto Similar to into and in, onto indicates motion where on does not. Onto normally indicates that something is placed onto something else. For example, I put the dishes onto the table when I set it. On shows that something already rests on a surface. For example, The picture is hanging on the wall. Examples I carefully placed the picture onto the wall.He put the book onto the desk.You can find the dictionary on the table.Thats a beautiful picture on the wall. Among / Between Among and between are almost exactly the same in meaning. However, between is used when something is placed between two objects. Among, on the other hand, is used when something is placed among many objects. Examples Tom is between Mary and Helen in that picture.Youll find the letter among the papers on the table.Seattle is located between Vancouver, Canada, and Portland, Oregon.Alice is among friends this weekend. Beside / Besides Beside - without an s- means next to. For example, Tom is seated beside Alice. In contrast, Besides - with an s - states that something is in addition to something else. For example, Besides math, Peter is getting an A in history. Examples Hang your coat beside mine over there.There is so much work to do besides the normal tasks.Come sit down beside me.Besides potatoes, we need some milk.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Quotes from Arthur Rimbauds Surrealist Writing
Quotes from Arthur Rimbaud's Surrealist Writing Jean Nicolas Arthur Rimbaud (1854 -1891) was a French writer and poet, best known for his surrealist writings, including Le Bateau Ivre (), Soleil et Chair (Sun and Flesh) and Saison dEnfer (Season in Hell). He published his first poem at the age of 16, but stopped writing altogether by the age of 21. Rimbauds writings contain references to the bohemian lifestyle he led when he lived in Paris, including his scandalous affair with the married poet Paul Verlaine. After several years of on-again, off-again, their relationship ended with Verlaine in jail for shooting Rimbaud in the wrist. It seems Rimbaud earned the nickname lenfant terrible which was bestowed on him by Paris society. Despite the turmoil and drama of his personal life, Rimbaud continued to write insightful, visionary poems that belied his young age during his time in Paris. After he abruptly ended his career as a poet, for reasons which are still unclear, Rimbaud traveled the world, traveling to England, Germany and Italy, then enlisted in and deserted the Dutch army. His travels took him to Vienna, then to Egypt and Cyprus, Ethiopia and Yemen, becoming one of the first Europeans to visit that country. Verlaine edited and published Rimbauds Poesies completes after Rimbauds death from cancer. Although he only wrote for a brief period, Rimbaud has been a significant influence on French modern literature and art, as he strove through his writing to create an entirely new kind of creative language. Here are a few quotes from the translated work of Arthur Rimbaud: And again: No more gods! No more gods! Man is King, Man is God! - But the great Faith is Love! - Soleil et Chair (1870) But, truly, I have wept too much! The Dawns are heartbreaking. Every moon is atrocious and every sun bitter. - Le Bateau Ivre (1871) I am the slave of my baptism. Parents, you have caused my misfortune, and you have caused your own. - Saison dEnfer, Nuit de lEnfer (1874) Idle youth, enslaved to everything; by being too sensitive I have wasted my life. - Song of the Highest Tower (1872) Life is the farce which everyone has to perform. - Saison en Enfer, Mauvais Sang One evening I sat Beauty on my knees - And I found her bitter - And I reviled her. - Saison en Enfer, prologue. Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge. - Une Saison en Enfer, Mauvais Sang The Sun, the hearth of affection and life, pours burning love on the delighted earth. - Soleil et Chair What a life! True life is elsewhere. We are not in the world. - Une Saison en Enfer: Nuit de L’Enfer
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tolerable Misstatement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tolerable Misstatement - Assignment Example There is normally a high risk of misstatement for accounts receivable as there is a possibility that debts may not be collectible due to the inability of customers (debtors) to pay. It is important to ensure that the amounts are collectible so that adequate provisions can be made. Tests should be done to determine the age of the debts in comparison to the terms given to debtors’ confirmations should also be sent on the bass of materiality. Additionally, the auditor should ensure that amounts stated as receivables are not disputed due to poor record keeping or inadequate controls over cash receipts. The amount represented by 2% is $172. Therefore, if the amounts are misstated by that amount it is not a major problem. However, if the amount by which the figure is misstated is greater than $172 then there is a cause for concern. The receivables figure has declined by over 30% while revenues have increased. It is important to determine the reason for this. Receivables are suscepti ble to both intentional and unintentional misstatements and a lot of work will be required to verify such balances. Prepaid advertising $200 The tolerable misstatement of 2% is within the limits recommended (Willis & Adams 3-2). Prepaid advertising is a current asset that may be fairly easy to check as it involves making a determination of the amount paid for advertising. However, if the number of advertisements is large or the dates when the advertisement should start and end are not recorded then there is the risk that it may be misstated. Explanations to support Work Paper 3-8, continuing ACCOUNT NAME TOLERABLE MISSTATEMENT EXPLANATION Computer hardware and software $400 The change over prior year is approximately 8% and indicates that there were substantial additions to this fixed asset. It is normal that all additions to fixed assets are verified. Additionally, the amounts amortized should be tested to ensure that the computations are accurate. Furthermore, they should be check ed to ensure that the assets included are properly classified. However, a 1% misstatement is immaterial and therefore tolerable (Willis & Adams 3-2). Leasehold improvements $150 The tolerable misstatement of 5% appears to be rather high since this is a fixed asset. This type of asset normally requires 100% verification. However, there has been no major change in leasehold improvements from the prior year. Willis & Adams (3-2) indicates that the tolerable limit for total assets is 0.5%. When compared to total assets the amount is very immaterial and so a tolerable limit of 5% for this asset is immaterial. Accumulated depreciation and amortization $150 The amount for depreciation is prone to error and it has to be thoroughly checked. There has been an approximate 15% increase and this increase needs to be verified. There is really no room for error as its calculation is very objective. Explanations to support Work Paper 3-8, continuing ACCOUNT NAME TOLERABLE MISSTATEMENT EXPLANATION I ntangible assets, net $100 The valuation of intangible assets is subjective and so there is the risk of misstatement. Although the change is approximately 300% it is not large in comparison to other fixed assets. Since the total amount is small a tolerable misstatement of 6% would not significantly affect the materiality levels for total fixed assets. Accounts payable $180 Accounts payable is prone to misstatement and so companies are prone
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Civil Rights Movement Around 1960s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Civil Rights Movement Around 1960s - Essay Example What appears to be beneficial to one segment of society is sentimental to another. It was depicted in the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954) ending racial segregation in public schools. The doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ was no longer adopted sweeping aside 88 years of sound judicial precedent. No doubt there was resistant expressed by politicians and one expressed his case by using his power of office to uphold the internal affairs of the Georgian state.Moreover, there were other resistance groups such as the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi which tried to maneuver the cause of white college students volunteering in what was known the Mississippi Freedom Summer. These students traveled to Mississippi to stand the cause of blacks in casting their votes and teaching them their history. It turned out that despite the intensity faced and resistant encountered the cause contributed to the success of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Other philosophers that have stood the test of time were Mahatma Gandhi who proved non-violence against war as the key to gaining peace and freedom for Indians. His conviction enabled different sects in India to march through cities. Likewise Martin Lurther King did not use violence in his fight for the black people in America. In August 28 of 1963 he led the largest civil rights demonstration in history with nearly 250,000 people in attendance delivering his famous speech of I have a Dream.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Will and Grace Moveable Feast Essay Example for Free
Will and Grace Moveable Feast Essay 1. Give an example someone employing empathic listening. Explain When Karen is talking about Stan wanting her to sleep with other men, Grace Jack and Will, listen empathetically. They listen to be sensitive to her. They understand that even though she acts tough, she loves her husband and is upset by this. They let her know that they understand how she is feeling and that they are there for her. 2. Which step to critical listening is most vulnerable in this episode? Explain your answer. The most vulnerable step I think is†¦ â€Å"To focus all energy-Attending†Each of the characters are so focused and worried about leaving each place and getting back to their private celebration they are having at Will’s and Grace’s apartment, that they don’t fully attend each gathering. They do not give their full attention to the people that they are visiting at each of the parties and they easily misunderstand some of the conversations and intentions because they are not fully listening to the conversations that are going on around them. 3. Give an example of one of the listening barriers seen in this episode. Be specific. The listening barrier I saw was â€Å"preoccupation†Everyone is so preoccupied with their individual issues, they aren’t focusing on the day. Also they are preoccupied with leaving each of the places that they are visiting so they can leave and go back to Will and Grace’s apartment for their own dinner. 4. Give an example of selective listening in this episode. Be specific Selective listening happens when Will is talking about what not to do at his house. Jack doesn’t fully listen to him as proven when he misuses the term â€Å"business trip†5. Give an example of ambush or defensive listening in this episode. Be specific Jack and his step dad. Jack is expecting his step dad to be critical and when he welcomes them all, Jack is showing an example of Ambush listening when he says things about him his step dad being distant and says things about his step dad making digs at him. Also†¦ when Jack goes back to talk to him about why his step dad was nice to Elliot. He ambushed him.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Exemplification Essay: Why The World Is Doomed -- Exemplification Essay
Every day when looking out a window, people see a beautiful earth. The earth is intriguing, but hinges on a delicate balance. Many natural resources keep the grass green and the sky blue. Man has made quite an impression on our world, and has transformed the earth's resources into tools to make life easy. However, mans' manipulation on earth has become detrimental to the health of our planet and the safety of mankind. Through the use and production of resources such as oil and energy, man is gradually poisoning the earth. Pollution has become such a dilemma in society; there is no real control or a feasible solution to society's recklessness. Without complete change, our system will collapse. The earth will eventually retaliate with disaster, or corporate control of our economy will cause hysteria and depression. Evaluation of the consequences and repercussion of worldwide pollution, may give people a better idea of what the future holds. It is unfortunate that within the past 100 years our worlds' economy has driven itself into a deep hole with the reliance on a "black gold" called oil. Since its discovery, it has been purified to produce many different forms of energy such as light, gasoline and more. Since technology has enabled mankind to discover more capable methods of transportation, mankind has exploited its power over nature and produced machines such as the combustion engine. In combustion engine's, oil explodes to move machinery, and emits a very toxic byproduct called CO2. Carbon is incredibly dangerous to the earth's atmosphere, and erodes huge holes in the ozone layer of our earth. This erosion causes global warming and climate change that is permanent and irreversible. The impact of global warming will not only ... ...e sources." All facts, statements and reports conclude that mankind is in part responsible for this change in our ecosystem. Hence if we do not change, drastic changes over the next 100 years will threaten the safety of some people and our environment. More and more research is being deployed into this intriguing field of science. Some scientists deny reports of global warming impacts. And some scientists show more and more proof of such impacts. When will the academic and governmental community understand the consequences of our treasured way of life? Will it take huge catastrophic man-induced disasters to change the worlds mind on what actions to take? Is our economy so reliant upon oil that it will risk our planets' health, for money? People need to take action on these issues before the damage of global warming has left a huge, worsening-footprint on our earth.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mr Makedama
Macadam case analysis by UCT group of MBA students Company overview: Macadams Bakery Supplies Holdings (Macadams) is a manufacturer of oven and other appliances for the baking industry. Their financial statements for 1996 highlight a very strong year. Turnover grew by 59% to R125. 3m and profit increased by 81%. An acquisition of Livanos Brothers (February 1996) took place in response to the increased demand in the local market as well as an expansion of market base in foreign markets. Depreciation of the Rand against other major currencies also supported export sales.The company has entered a phase of rapid expansion, expanding its main factory in Cape Town by 50%. As well as opening new sales and distribution centers in Durban and Bloemfontein in the current year, with further plans to expand in to Zimbabwe in the following year. An analysis of the company’s financial statements will determine whether the company is in a position to leverage its expansion, or whether it is p erhaps growing too rapidly. Detailed Financial Analysis Profitability: Macadams experienced a healthy turnover, which increased by 58. 5% between 1995 and 1996.This â€Å"abnormally†high growth in turnover was due to a surging demand for their products, favorable exchange rates and acquisitions of business’s, which complimented their current product portfolio. They further expanded the operational network to service the growing market they were operating in. It should however be noted that a growth rate of 58. 5% per annum is not sustainable or realistic, and although Macadams has extended their products and services to global markets through joint ventures and M&A’s, there would be a point where there growth would become organic, or at least in line with industry standards..Although operating and net margins have improved since 1995, the net margin remains low at 8. 5%. This indicates that despite dramatic increases in revenue, Macadams have only marginally im proved the ability to generate profits. Liquidity: The income statement displays a healthy growth by Macadams; however the cash flow statement shows a contradictory picture. Macadams have a serious liquidity problem. Cash generated from operations is significantly down by 87% in comparison to the prior financial year.The operation did not generate sufficient cash to fund its interest, taxation or dividends payments for the year. As a result these payments were made through borrowed funds. Working capital movements in 1996 adversely impacted cash generated by operating activities, with a noticeable increase in working capital of 595% from R2. 7million to R19million. This is due to an increase in inventory of 66%, to meet perceived consumer demand, which was funded by cash resources. There has also been an increase in debtors of 129%, due to increased credit sales.Furthermore, creditors increased by 87%, which only partially offset the increase in current assets. This is a scenario of a business expanding too rapidly. There are high levels of sales and gross profits, but a serious cash flow problem created by inventory build-up, and high level of receivables. Cash is now tied up in stock and debtors. The lack of available cash in the business could impact Masadams’s ability to service their short-term liabilities. Efficiency: Macadams have become less efficient in 1996. The accounts receivables increased by 129% in 1996.Reviewing the debtor’s collection period we can clearly see the longer collection period (53 days in ’95 to 77 days in ’96) could be indicative of more relaxed credit terms, which could be MBS’s strategy to attract more sales and increase turnover. This strategy does however create a risk of bad debt and creates a problem for operational cash flow, as it currently is experiencing. It is also noted on the financial statements that Debtors have been used by ceded to the banks as security for facilities granted. Ce ssion of debt means that the banks do not have faith in Macadam’s ability to repay its debt.Leverage The debt ratio has increased by 9%; this was for the funding of the expansion. The additional funding taken out, mortgage loan is secured by land and buildings, and the movable assets secure the installment sale agreement. This is risky as it means should Macadams fail to make payment on either of these loans, they would lose R4. 3 million of its movable and immovable assets. Incurring debt to expand their operations and grow the business is not a bad thing, and is necessary. Despite the massive increase in debt, the interest cover ratio is still healthy.This however, is not a cash based ratio and gives us no indication as to whether the company is able to make its cash payments to service the increased quantities of debt. For this reason the concern would be raised with respect to Macadams ability to service their debt. This concern is specific to their lack of liquid funds a vailable in the business. DuPont analysis: With the aid of the DuPont model of analysis the following observations were made: Macadams ROE, of 30. 63%, has decreased by 1. 4% during the financial year under review.However it could be seen as a good return on equity, as it is 10% higher than the prime interest rates at the time (20. 25% Nov 1996). Macadams have become less efficient in using its assets to generate profits. Its’ efficiency ratios demonstrate a drop from 2. 37 to 1. 90; however this could be explained by the timing of the acquisition of assets. Vacant land was acquired in September 1996, just three months before the December year-end, and new premises opened in Bloemfontein in November 1996. These assets would not yet have had the opportunity to generate the profits that may be expected in future.Macadams profitability has increased marginally since the previous year; however their net margin is still a low 8. 50%. Macadams are not using its revenue to generate sufficient profits. In terms of leverage, the ratio has increased marginally from the 1995 financial year, to 1. 89, in line with increasing debt in terms of both long-term and short-term borrowing. Conclusion: Macadams are a promising business which is currently generating high sales volumes and generous profits. The problem with the business is the following: †¢Their inability to translate their sales into cash. The drive and efforts to grow the business at a rate which is not practical to their available resources and balance sheet; this results in the following: oAccrual of high volumes of long-term and short-term debt. oHigh inventory levels as a result of their steep growth plan which they have implemented (cash on the shelves/in the store room) oIncreased overheads to operate newly established network offices to service the market. If Macadams operates their business as they are, they will eventually grow their business into bankruptcy.As a â€Å"turn around†stra tegy, I would implement the following initiatives to maximize the output of the business and create a more sustainable business model. †¢Slow-down the growth rate which Macadams is currently experiencing. †¢Limit its debt, i. e. not take out any further debt. †¢Analyze the current business operations to improve operational efficiency, thus decreasing COS of sale per unit sold, and inevitably increasing gross, net and operating profit margins. †¢Improve sales efforts to reduce inventory levels, and simultaneously increasing overall sales. Macadams should also review their current costs and look for cost saving initiatives. This will ensure that the revenue increase is matched with a similar increase in profits. †¢Ensure the business is more liquid by having more operational cash and cash in the business; this can be achieved by decreasing the debtor’s collection period from 77 days to 30 days, and increasing their creditor’s period to 45 days. I f I had shares in Macadams I would hold on to them if the above initiatives were implemented, as this would ultimately result in an increased EPS.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Financial Data Analysis
Introduction Between the years 2009 and 2008 there were multiple financial changes to the Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. Using a combination of the balance sheet, statement of revenue and expenses, and also the 2009 hospital’s annual report we are able to see how the years differ in a financial situation. This paper will explain the differences in the finances that had the largest impact on the company as a whole. Balance Sheet The assets of the company played a large role in the large jump of the numbers between 2009 and 2008. Between the two years there was a total change of 7. 5 percent of the total asset which equaled $39,232 dollars. The largest change came from a 56. 10 percent increase in the patient’s accounts receivables, a change of $21,121 dollars. Cash and cash flow equivalents equaled a 45. 10 percent decrease, a change of $18,856 dollars. The inventories offered a 19 percent increase, a change of $10,026 dollars (Apollo Group, 2013). According to the annual report, there was a 1 million dollar donation that provided the hospital with an opportunity to buy new equipment and supplies (Apollo Group, 2013). The liabilities of the company also proved to have multiple changes over time.Due to the purchase of the new equipment there has been a large increase of the debt accrued by the company according to the annual report. Borrowing became necessary to cover all the necessary equipment. The report also stated that an increase of supply purchases would save money in the long run due to the discounted cost at the time of the purchase (Apollo Group, 2013). The current long term debt increased 114. 80 percent a change of $10,414 dollars. The accrued expenses also rose 119. 80 percent a change of $5,013 dollars, leaving a total liability increase of 16. percent companywide leaving a change of $248,703 dollars. (Apollo Group, 2013). The total equity of the company fell between 2009 and 2008. The hospital did not do so well, although most of the shortfall can be attributed to the increase of assets they accrued over the change of 2009 to 2008. The retained earnings between the two years fell 62. 50 percent a loss of $209,471 dollars. This pushed the total liabilities and equity up by 71. 50 percent providing a difference of $39,232 dollars. 2008 proved to be a better year for the company then 2009 (Apollo Group, 2013).Statement of Revenue and Expenses The Patton – Fuller Community Hospital ended the year of 2009 with a new income of a negative $373 dollars. This is actually an increase of revenue from the loss of $15,846 dollars they finished with in 2008. The percentage of change between the two years increased to 97. 60 percent. The total expenses between the two years can attribute to the large changes that were made with the net income. In 2009 the company had a total expense of $463,293 dollars, an increase of spending by 59. 20 percent from 2008 when the total expenses were $437,424 (Apollo Group, 2 013).Between 2009 and 2008 there were slight increases of the revenues by the company. In influx of patients were seen in 2009 leaving a 9. 90 percent change of $41,391 dollars between the two years. Other revenues also provide a 9. 87 percent change leading to a $277 increase for 2009. The total revenues equaled $41,668 more dollars for the company in 2009. With a 9. 89 percent increase of revenue 2009 made $462,982 dollars compared to the $421,314 dollars made in 2008 (Apollo Group, 2013). 2009 provided an increase of the fixed assets; in result of this we saw an increase by 44 percent for the depreciation and amortization of the company.The total operating income fell 98. 10 percent in 2009. Although the company was negative $311 dollars, it was still a better place to be then the $16,110 dollars from 2008. The company had a non-operating income loss of $62 dollars which was a 76. 50 percent change from 2008 of $264 dollars (Apollo Group, 2013). Conclusion When a company is provi ded with a large donation it can do great things for what the facilities are able to provide to their patients. With the increase of new equipment and supplies the company’s need to finance has become apparent by their financial records.Although it is good to have new amenities for the patients, running a company on credit is not always what is best. There is a large need for the Patton – Fuller Community Hospital to watch spending and decrease their financial debts. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. Annual Report 2009. Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. Balance sheet as of December 31, 2009 and 2008. Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Patton – Fuller Community Hospital. Statement of Revenue and Expense 2009 and 2008. Financial Data Analysis Financial Data Analysis Daphnnee Johnson HCS 577 March 18, 2013 Sharon Gomes-Sanders Financial Data Analysis After reviewing the balance sheet for Patton-Fuller Hospital for 2008 and 2009, there are significant differences that are noticeable. The retained earnings (or â€Å"Net Worth†or â€Å"Unrestricted Fund Balance†) drastically decreased from 2008 to 2009 (Apollo Group, 2006). The dollar amount decrease is -209,471, this makes a decrease of over 65%. Long-term debt increase to more than 116% from 2008 to 2009 as well (Apollo Group, 2006). This is a massively huge increase.Total current liabilities also increase as a whole by 184. 09% (Apollo Group, 2006). Major differences are also noted on the statement of revenue and expenses. The operating income decreased by 98% from 2008 to 2009 (Apollo Group, 2006). Net income also decreased between these years by the same percentage. Non-operating income decreased by 77% as well. The total revenue and expenses all seem with in normal range, but the operating income, non-operating income, and net income all have decreased and drastically (Apollo Group, 2006). The total revenue increased by 10% that is $41,668. The expenses increased by $25,869 or 5. 1%. These all seem like reasonable slight increases (Apollo Group, 2006). Many factors can contribute to why there are so many fluctuations and changes between 2008 and 2009. This information usually can be found in the organization’s annual report. Upon reviewing the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital’s annual report, I could deduct some possible explanations for the drastic change in numbers from 2008 to 2009 (Apollo Group, 2006). One possible explanations is, â€Å"Utilities and other costs – contracted maintenance, some professional fees, and computer and other usage fees – do not fluctuate†(Apollo Group, 2006, p. ). This would be an accurate reason the revenue seems so different. Another factor that made Patton-Fuller C ommunity Hospital’s numbers change so drastically between the two years is the passing of the hospital’s benefactor, Abigail Baderman (Apollo Group, 2006). This occurred in 2008, but in 2009 in accordance to her will, the hospital received a money donation from her estate. This $1,000,000 donation is noted as an unrestricted donation (Apollo Group, 2006). This unrestricted donation is recorded on the Interim Statement of Income in December 2009 (Apollo Group, 2006). Declines in the stock market and real estate markets resulted in a sharp drop in the return on investment income. This caused PFCH to reassess the value of its investments and, on their auditors’ advice, to write down those assets (Apollo Group, 2006, p. 3). Another reason the number were so drastically different was because every December Patton-Fuller Community Hospital conducts an annual inventory (Apollo Group, 2006). When the hospital conducted its inventory their expenses for their supplies wer e way underestimated by about a million dollars (Apollo Group, 2006).So this had to be added on as a cost to December’s statement. This underestimate of supply expenses made January to November’s reports not correct, so December had to report the actual figures (Apollo Group, 2006). Therefore, December looked like it was a crazy month for the hospital. â€Å"Following the favorable settlement of some managed care contract disputes, net patient revenue increased by 9% over the previous year, with an average 6% increase in expenses. However, the new arrangement allowed slower payment by the managed care companies, and Patient Accounts Receivable have risen sharply†(Apollo Group, 2006, p. ). The Board at Patton-Fuller wanted to take advantage of a heavy discount on new equipment so they moved some money around to purchase the discounted equipment (Apollo Group, 2006). This was possible by using cash and releasing restricted assets, and borrowing as necessary (Apol lo Group, 2006). â€Å"Declines in the stock market and real estate markets resulted in a sharp drop in the return on investment income. This caused PFCH to reassess the value of its investments and, on their auditors’ advice, to write down those assets (Apollo Group, 2006, p. 3). In conclusion, there were some drastic difference between the ears 2008 and 2009 on both the statement of revenue and expenses as well as the balance sheet. However, all of these significant changes, whether they are positive or negative changes can all be accounted for by various factors. Some of the factors included a generous donation of a million dollars, favorable settlements of managed care contract disputes, investments in new, discounted equipment, and the underestimation of the supply expenses. References Apollo Group. (2006). Patton-Fuller Community Hospital [Multimedia]. Retrieved from Apollo Group, HCS577 – Financial Management in Health Care website.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Incorporate These 15 Practices into Your Life to Find Success
Incorporate These 15 Practices into Your Life to Find Success We all have a tendency to stay close within our comfort zones. But what if the biggest growth potential and rewards are just beyond that zone? Or even way beyond it? Here are 15 ways to question your idea of what is normal, and how to expand both that concept and your comfort zone, and make a major difference in the course of your life.1. Question everythingTake nothing for granted. Be like the toddler always asking why. Keep searching for answers and examine norms from every angle. You never know what you might find.2. Be painfully honestBeing the most honest you have ever been is incredibly uncomfortable. It feels alien to tell 100% of the truth. If you’re burning to say something (good or bad) to someone in your life, you’ll never know the value that could be reached by saying it until you try. Start with a letter if the idea of a conversation freaks you out.3. MeditateEspecially when you’re busy, carving out time to sit and do nothing except breathing can mak e you feel insane. But the benefits far outweigh the perceived (negligible) costs. Sometimes, by stopping, you’ll greatly enhance your ability to keep going.4. Learn to be an early riserIt might sound awful, or you might not be a â€Å"morning person,†but imagine what you could get done if you got up extremely early, say 5am, when everyone else is asleep and you have the world to yourself. Begin your day in productive silence.5. Create thingsEveryone fancies themselves a creative person, but it’s so easy to choose Netflix and wine instead of a creative project when we come home from a long day. Persist and find yourself a creative outlet, then nurture it with diligence!6. Save your moneyStart keeping track of every penny you spend. Do this for a few months. Try paying for everything in cash, which will really drive home how much you’re spending. Once you cut the excess, you’ll be shocked at what you can save.7. Give back to those in needVolunte ering can make you feel less self-centered, less hopeless, and like you’re part of something bigger. Don’t underestimate the value of community outreach.8. Maintain your fitnessKeep track of what you eat and what exercise you do. It may seem annoying and time-consuming, but it’s a great way to see the good vs. harm you’re doing to your body so you can make changes accordingly.9. Eat wellNutritious food helps you perform better. Limit your diet to food that has actual nutrition: lots of organic vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, etc. It’s better to be a weirdo about your food and to outshine the competition than to blend in at parties and be sluggish or unhealthy all your life.10. Work on your speaking skillsPublic speaking is a daunting thing, but learning to do it adds an invaluable skill to your toolbox. Everyone is scared of it at first. Take small opportunities to cut your teeth and when you really need to stand up in front of a crowd, you’ll be ready.11. Talk to people who interest youIntrigued by someone? Strike up a conversation. What do you have to lose? Worst case scenario: rejection. Best case: a new friend! And rejection is a normal part of life, so there is nothing for you to fear.12. Put away your phoneTake a digital detox every now and then, let your mind wander and mull over projects and problems. Also, put it away in social settings. Constantly checking or looking things up is just plain rude.13. Focus your efforts on one thing at a timeDon’t try all the things at once. Pick one at a time and commit to mastering that thing. Once you’re there, feel free to pick another. The road to mastery is accomplished one task at a time. Intention and attention are important.14. Set scary goalsStretch your limits by setting goals you’re not sure you can reach. Pick something harder and scarier and more uncomfortable than you’ve ever done and give yourself a year to do it. This mig ht be as simple as attempting to run 7 miles when you’ve hardly ever run 1. But the experience of channeling your physical and mental reserves to get it done is almost always worth it.15. Get help if you need itTherapy might be the number one most uncomfortable thing to do. It’s an exhausting chore to examine your own biases, defenses, motivations, and those of the people in your life. But it always gets you closer to the truth. And can lead to all sorts of breakthroughs in the short and long term.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Womens Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970
Women's Strike for Equality on August 26, 1970 The Women’s Strike for Equality was a nationwide demonstration for women’s rights held on August 26, 1970, the 50th anniversary of women’s suffrage. It was described by Time magazine as â€Å"the first big demonstration of the Women’s Liberation movement.† The leadership called the object of the rallies the unfinished business of equality. Organized by NOW The Women’s Strike for Equality was organized by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and its then-president Betty Friedan. At a NOW conference in March 1970, Betty Friedan called for the Strike for Equality, asking women to stop working for a day to draw attention to the prevalent problem of unequal pay for women’s work. She then headed the National Women’s Strike Coalition to organize the protest, which used â€Å"Don’t Iron While the Strike is Hot!†among other slogans. Fifty years after women were granted the right to vote in the United States, feminists were again taking a political message to their government and demanding equality and more political power. The Equal Rights Amendment was being discussed in Congress, and the protesting women warned politicians to pay attention or risk losing their seats in the next election. Nationwide Demonstrations The Women’s Strike for Equality took various forms in more than ninety cities across the United States. Here are a few examples: New York, home to radical feminist groups such as New York Radical Women and Redstockings, had the largest protest. Tens of thousands marched down Fifth Avenue; others demonstrated at the Statue of Liberty and stopped the stock ticker on Wall Street. New York City issued a proclamation declaring Equality Day.Los Angeles had a smaller protest, numbering in the hundreds, including women who stood holding a vigil for women’s rights.In Washington D.C., women marched on Connecticut Avenue with a banner that read â€Å"We Demand Equality†and lobbied for the Equal Rights Amendment. Petitions with more than 1,500 names were presented to the Senate majority leader and minority floor leader.Detroit women who worked at the Detroit Free Press kicked men out of one of their restrooms, protesting the fact that men had two bathrooms while women had one.Women who worked for a New Orleans newspaper ran pictures of the grooms instead of the brides in engagement announcements.Inter national Solidarity: French women marched in Paris, and Dutch women marched at the U.S. embassy in Amsterdam. Nationwide Attention Some people called the demonstrators anti-feminine or even Communist. The Womens Strike for Equality made the front page of national newspapers such as The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune. It was also covered by the three broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC, which was the pinnacle of extensive television news coverage in 1970. The Women’s Strike for Equality is often remembered as the first major protest of the Women’s Liberation movement, even though there had been other protests by feminists, some of which also received media attention. The Women’s Strike for Equality was the largest protest for women’s rights at that time. Legacy The next year, Congress passed a resolution declaring August 26 Women’s Equality Day. Bella Abzug was inspired by the Womens Strike for Equality to introduce the bill promoting the holiday. Signs of the Times Some articles from the New York Times from the time of the demonstrations illustrate some of the context of the Womens Strike for Equality. The New York Times featured an article a few days before the August 26 rallies and anniversary titled Liberation Yesterday: The Roots of the Feminist Movement. Under a photograph of suffragettes [sic] marching down Fifth Avenue, the paper also asked the question: Fifty years ago, they won the vote. Did they throw victory away? The article pointed to both the earlier and the then-current feminist movements as rooted in work for civil rights, peace, and radical politics, and noted that the womens movement both times was rooted in recognizing that both black people and women were treated as second-class citizens. Press Coverage In an article on the day of the march, the Times noted that Traditional Groups Prefer to Ignore Womens Lib. The problem for such groups as the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Womens Christian Temperance Union, the League of Women Voters, The Junior League and the Young Womens Christian Association is what attitude to take toward the militant womens liberation movement. The article included quotes about ridiculous exhibitionists and a band of wild lesbians. The article quoted Mrs. Saul Schary [sic] of the National Council of Women: Theres no discrimination against women like they say there is. Women themselves are just self-limiting. Its in their nature and they shouldnt blame it on society or men. In the kind of paternalistic belittling of the feminist movement and women that feminism criticized, a headline the next day in the New York Times noted that Betty Friedan was 20 minutes late for her appearance at the Womens Strike for Equality: Leading Feminist Puts Hairdo Before Strike. the article also noted what she wore and where shed purchased it, and that he had her hair done at the Vidal Sassoon Salon on Madison Avenue. She was quoted saying I dont want people to think Womens Lib girls dont care about how they look. We should try to be as pretty as we can. Its good for our self-image and its good politics. The article noted that The vast majority of women interviewed strongly endorsed the traditional concept of woman as a mother and a homemaker who can, and sometimes even should, supplement these activities with a career or with volunteer work. In yet another article, the New York Times asked two women partners in Wall Street firms what they thought of picketing, denouncing men and bra-burning? Muriel F. Siebert, chairman [sic] of Muriel F. Siebert Co., replied: I like men and I like brassieres. She was also quoted saying Theres no reason to go to college, get married and then stop thinking. People should be able to do what theyre capable of doing and theres no reason why a woman doing the same job as a man should be paid less. This article has been edited by and considerable additional material added by Jone Johnson Lewis.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Weekly questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Weekly questions - Assignment Example Apparently, US companies are tending towards outsourcing their customer service functions to companies that hire staff capable of communicating fluently in Spanish or English. While majority of international US companies have staff that is multi-lingual, most of them would still prefer to hire companies that possess a similar cultural affinity (Cromie & Zott, 2014). Therefore, they will tend to be more likely to outsource functions to locations that share a similar culture, thus preferring near-shoring. Although American companies have benefited immensely from offshore outsourcing in the past, the increasing investments in customer service has made them aware of the costs of miscommunication on their overall business. The US, as of 2013, had several trade sanctions and embargoes against several countries, including imposing embargoes on arms-related exports, financial restrictions, economic assistance restrictions, and dual-use exports controls. The embargo against Cuba is one example, which involves financial, economic, and commercial restrictions first imposed in 1960 and further extended in 1962 to cover almost all forms of imports (Coy, 2012). An arms-trade embargo has been in force since 1958 when Cuban rebels headed by Fidel Castro seized American properties and nationalized them. In addition, further actions to nationalize all privately-owned companies led to an embargo on all Cuban brown sugar imports. The US government responded to Castro’s Cold War alignment with the USSR by widening the scope of trade embargo restrictions, especially after Cuba hosted USSR missiles on their territory (Coy, 2012). This resulted in freezing of Cuban assets in the US and consolidation of all existing restrictions. Finally, in the wake of the shooting of unarmed US planes that killed four US citizens in 1992, the Helms-Burton Act restricted trafficking of property confiscated by the Cuban government
Friday, November 1, 2019
Comparative Evaluation of Classical Realism and Classical Liberalism Essay
Comparative Evaluation of Classical Realism and Classical Liberalism - Essay Example As Morgenthau had tried to focus on through his studies and analysis, the power that a state government generally reflects on the state activities are consequences of the interests that the nation holds as a whole (Pashakhanlou, 2009). The classical liberalism on the other hand throws light on the promotion of government power that needs to be limited to highlight the power of the human beings inhabitant in the state. The primary focus of this belief is thus on individuals being able to be liberal in their activities and yet decide their democratic views on their own. The concept is also not associated with any socialism on the part of the individuals. Rather, their freedom and independence in expression of their political views as well as getting involved in political activities are considered significant in the classical liberalism concept (Koeller, 2003). The Reflections and Impacts of Classical Realism and Classical Liberalism on the international politics: Although the concept o f classical realism tried to link between the human behavior and their activities and thus the conflicts and power struggles occurring in the world of politics, yet the concept could not keep up with its implications till the current times. Considering its implications, it has been observed that the concept has been unable to act on some standard while focusing on the international politics as a whole. If it pointed to some facts of the human behavior leading to conflicts, the theory has not been able to relate that fact to the world politics as a whole. Rather, it has been associated to some parts of the world politics or some sections or groups of people. Moreover, the concept has been proved to be inconsistent since it could not explain the different terms in relation... The classical realism is focused on the conflicts, powers and wars prevailing in the political world on an international level and determines how repeatedly such political conflicts occur in the world. The classical realism concept tries to stress on the causes created by human beings that result in the initiation of political conflicts (Pashakhanlou, 2009). On the other hand liberalism is more concerned about the freedom that human beings deserve. This concept brings into focus the need to understand the requirements of the human beings more than the needs of a state (Koeller, 2003). Thus the two concepts are different in their study of the world politics. However, although having different concepts the beliefs are concerned with the humans and the impacts of the international politics on the lives of the common people. The primary difference in the two concepts lies in the fact that realism focuses on what is happening in actual in the international political world. Considering a comparative study on both classical realism and classical liberalism, it can be understood that both the concepts have been different in their views and thoughts. While realism remained concerned with the reality that occurs as a result of the human activities not considering the structural negligence, the liberalism concept focused on the needful measures that human beings required and deserved as against the importance provided to the political parties or the government authorities.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Enforcement action of the commission against EU member states Assignment
Enforcement action of the commission against EU member states - Assignment Example ‘Economists certainly argue that reducing trade barriers will improve economic welfare or, at least, potentially so depending on whether losers can be and are, in fact, compensated by those who gain.’(Bob 2003) The law and legislation of the European Union is actually a whole body that regulates and governs a 28 member body. ‘The European law already has some sort of a constitution’ (Jurgen 2011). The law has its backbone on three main sources; the primary law, which composes different treaties, secondary comprising of regulations and different directives that are in tandem with such treaties The European Union was put in place by treaties from the member. Raisch (2007) posits that treaties form the backbone of the laws of the European Union. February 1992 welcomed the ‘Treaty on European Union.’ Up to date, this is a very important treaty. This is because; it realigns institutional arrangement as well as political systems. According to Raisch, â€Å"It added a new treaty alongside the Treaty Establishing the European Community.†(1992) Another important treaty that institutes the European Union is the â€Å"Treaty of Nice.†2003 was the year the treaty received its approval. This treaty provided a complete amendment into other treaties. This treaty boosts the role of the parliament as a partner-legislator and establishes fresh legal arrangements. It mandates the council to drop regulations presiding over political parties at the level of the European Union. With an expectation of an increase in members of the European parliament, the treaty restricts membership to 732 and reserves seats for member states as well as countries represented as candidates. This is not all, we have several treaties that have been ratified and accepted at different times in order to improve the functioning and progress of the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Reasons for Customer Service Policies
Reasons for Customer Service Policies Customer service is defined by (wiseGEEK. 2017) as the act of providing customers with helpful and positive experience, before after and during purchasing something, others like Staff, I. (2017) said that customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction, anyway we look at it customer service focus on customer satisfaction. This report is based on customer service at Secrets resorts and spas in Montego Bay, where the researcher is a manager and the job description is the promoting of a customer-focused culture and to train and develop staff to provide quality customer service. This report will be in the four-paragraph format and I will discuss the reasons for using customer service policies in this Organization and the importance of having customer service policies in the organization. Research findings: Reasons for customer service policies: Gives a stable competitor advantage. Promotes a good working environment. Increase cost efficiency. (, 2017) The importance of having customer service policies in the organization: Make or break a reputation. Customers will pay more for better customer service. Customer service has a big impact. (, 2017). In an organization, customer service is the backbone of how the business survives and this is the customer expectation of a business, good customer service and exceeding expectation (Nimetz,2017). Implementing customer service policies so that employees and employers alike will be on the same track as to how the customer service policies work in that organization, there are some reasons as to why customer service policies should be implemented theses are as follows. Customer services policies give a stable competitor advantage, this means that the competitor is selling the same service or product at the same price or maybe in the same location, what would make the difference is the customer service, this is what keeps the customer coming back. customer service policies also promote a good working environment to do this, employers have to motivate staff so that they can provide a good working environment for others and show that they are positive about the company customer service and doing all of this will increase cost efficiency by rising customer retention which will improve profits and in return customers will tell others of the great customer service they receive hence promoting the business (, 2017). Conclusion Customer service is very important in the hospitality industry and business overall as customers spend money where they feel valued so implementing policies so that everyone can be on the same page and deliver impeccable customer service is a great idea (Williams, 2017). Customer service policies make or break a reputation, in this modern world where technology is at the tap of the finger and different reviews can be posted right there and then. People are more prompt to post bad reviews and these reviews are what other people view to see if that organization is for them (, 2017). It is a fact that customers will pay more if the customer service is much better than the competition that is selling the same product or 2017 states that Surveys have shown that 86 % of consumers would pay more for a better customer experience. People will always pay more if they think that they are getting a value for money which includes premiums experiences, early and better fea ture of whatever service they are purchasing (, 2017). The essential point is that customer service has a great impact on the organization, it is a lot cheaper to keep your existing customer than to get new ones, with the cost of advertising and, 2017 said that The U.S. Small Business Administration claims 68% of customers leave because theyre upset with the treatment theyve received, this cost business a lot of money trying to build back their reputation and get back customers (, 2017).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Set in the ever changing world of the Industrial Revolution, Charles Dickens’ novel Hard Times begins with a description of a utilitarian paradise, a world that follows a prescribed set of logically laid-out facts, created by the illustrious and "eminently practical" Mr. Gradgrind. However, one soon realizes that Gradgrind's utopia is only a simulacrum, belied by the devastation of lives devoid of elements that "feed the heart and soul," as well as the mind. As the years fly by, the weaknesses of Gradgrind's carefully constructed system become painfully apparent, especially in the lives of his children Louisa and Tom, as well as in the poor workers employed by one Mr. Josiah Bounderby, a wealthy factory owner and a subscriber to Gradgrind's system. Dickens, through the shattering of Gradgrind's utilitarian world, tells us that no methods, not even constant oppression and abuse, can defeat and overcome two basic needs of humans, our fundamental needs for emotion and imagi nation. Louisa, Mr. Gradgrind's favorite child, the paragon of his factual regime, leads a broken and embittered life which ends in a showdown between the ideologies of facts and fancy. She is a prime example of a child "filled to the brim" with knowledge by her father's strictly scientific education. Confused by her coldhearted upbringing, Louisa feels disconnected from her emotions and alienated from others, yet she yearns to experience more than the hard scientific facts she has absorbed all her life. While she vaguely recognizes that her father’s system of education has deprived her childhood of all joy, she cannot avoid being coldly rational and emotionally blunted, unable to actively invoke her emotions. She would have been a curious, passionate person who ... ...olution; he believed in internal parity and the growth of the mind and the spirit. He demonstrated that the system that "grinds down," but never building up, will ultimately result in chaos and woe for all those subjected to it. Through Hard Times, Dickens argues that all humans have an unconquerable need for imagination, emotion, and love. He tells us that this need cannot be altered or thwarted by any method of education or economic oppression, no matter how strict and abusive it might be. Hard Times illustrates Dickens' belief that it does not matter whether one is born in a nurturing or an abusive and neglectful surroundings. What matters is how an individual's true nature responds, changes, asserts itself and molds his or her environment. In the end, whether one remains thwarted or strives to fulfill and complete their lives determines who each person becomes.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Villain, Hero, or Victim?
Katie Parlier Villain, Hero, or Victim? Jay Gatsby is one of America’s most prized antagonists who the reader genuinely wants to believe in but his personae of a hero is falsely presented and admired. Characters are commonly placed in either the hero or villain category, but Gatsby is the exception because he exhibits more qualities of a victim. Gatsby has fallen victimized by Daisy’s guise. During the initial relationship between Daisy and Gatsby in Kentucky, Daisy continues to encourage Gatsby’s affections even though she knows that there is no future with Gatsby.Gatsby is not and will never be aristocratic and in his pursuit of the impossible, Gatsby loses his identity along the way. A victim is defined as a person who has been harmed or tricked, and Gatsby unquestionably falls prey to Daisy’s ability to â€Å"smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into her money or †¦ vast carelessness†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Before Gatsby and Daisy even met, Gatsby had set a goal to leave behind his poor roots and create a successful life full of wealth.Gatsby in the summer of 1924 has accomplished exactly that but because of his encounter with Daisy his initial dream changes and becomes further complicated because it now depends on the actions of another person. After Daisy and Gatsby’s month of romance, Gatsby has tacked on the ambition to not only become wealthy and successful for himself, but for the hope that Daisy will acknowledge his prosperity and select Gatsby as her husband. Daisy presents Gatsby with a false sense of hope because she knew all along that money was not enough, she must be involved with an aristocratic society.This fictitious sense of hope causes Gatsby to attain the maximum amount of money in the minimum amount of time; even it is accomplished in unsavory ways. Gatsby is victimized by Daisy’s lies and becomes a criminal just to satisfy Daisy’s needs. His criminal activity caused as a result by Daisy’s actions lead Gatsby into a downward spiral that is recognizable throughout the novel with the endless parties. Now that Gatsby has acquired his great wealth, he decides to attract Daisy by throwing ostentatious parties that attract people like kids flocking to the wonders of a circus.The never ending flamboyant parties become so vast, that the host morphs into a ghostlike entity with his presence known lurking around the parties every once in a while without being recognized as an actual man. Gatsby becomes this grand and mysterious socialite who not known by the own people who visit his house. His personality does not exist for the partygoers, so they have to create their own versions of the great Jay Gatsby. Gatsby does not bother with making friends while he is in West Egg because his only goal is to attract the attention of Daisy.Because he does not socialize, he has lived the life of a hermit creating new ways to fascinate Daisy while Daisy is out living her life without the slightest memory of Gatsby. Daisy does not acknowledge the presence of others unless they are some use to her, and manipulation and deceit towards Gatsby only continues to escalate as the novel progresses. The final victimized act of Gatsby’s life occurs when takes the blame for Daisy’s actions against Myrtle that eventually lead to his death. Just before Daisy’s hits Myrtle with Gatsby’s car, Daisy has chosen to stay with Tom because of Gatsby’s suspicious business practices.However Gatsby still believes that Daisy will come back to him because she never outright admitted to loving Tom. Just like Gatsby and Daisy’s month of love, Daisy is never able to tell Gatsby the truth and completely end her relationship with Gatsby because she likes the power. In both cases Gatsby is presented with the false sense of hope and once again becomes the victim of Daisy’s fun and games. Daisy is too selfish to realize that she is pla ying with someone’s life and her actions could have long term consequences to others.Up until the very end Daisy continues to manipulate Gatsby like an inconsiderate puppet master. She controls the strings of Gatsby’s life, but when things get messy Daisy takes the quickest way out, to remove her fragile societal image from the dubious situation. Daisy’s influence on Gatsby turned him from a strong-willed man who created a destiny to make himself a better man to a disappointed fool who modeled his life actions after the feelings of another. Gatsby has become the ultimate victim to the alluring qualities of a woman and never has the chance to recover.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
An Inch Closer to My Dream Essay
My exposure to my father’s dental practice has effectually inspired me to pursue a profession along a similar line. This dream has become an ultimate priority at this point in my life. It is my dream and I would do anything just to reach that dream, understanding the time, effort, and good work ethic that the dream requires. As a dentist, my father has specialized in implant surgery, and firsthand, I was able to see how his work transformed the lives of his patients – not only changing them physically, but changing more profoundly the way they looked at themselves and the world. I am a Korean, majoring in Art and I went to the United States to study Biology instead at California State University, Northridge. I have discovered that this degree has fully maximized my potential and it led me to the path where I am most fulfilled. Science is very essential to everyone’s existence and I cannot bear not to think critically of what is happening around us. It was very stimulating for me to solve problems of nature and life that I would wish to extend my study and earn a Master’s degree within the same field. I am very looking forward of pursuing functional anatomy, physiology, genetics, and embryology. My reason for pursuing oral biology at NYU is not merely because it is to my personal preference or liking. While that is one factor, I have also considered wanting to contribute to the betterment of Korean society in my own little way. I feel that through oral biological research, I would be able to make a dent in our social fabric, discovering new things about cures for diseases or mechanisms of seemingly untreatable illnesses. This has been a personal mission because I have had the chance to be exposed to indigent communities who are in dire need of help. Through oral biological research, I may be able to help these communities alleviate their poverty within my own sphere of influence. My volunteer work at my father’s clinic has allowed me to foster this desire to help other people authentically through the dental arts. Fortunately, I was enhance familiarity with dental procedures, including orthodontic treatment, root canal, prophylaxis, x-rays, among others. The idea alone of being able to make a difference in people’s lives, through oral biology, excites me. It makes me even more eager to pursue my course and be very competent biologist. Apart from wanting to help impoverished communities, I have also taken careful note of the level of scientific progress that Korea has attained. Unofrtunately, it is not as advanced as first world countries such as the United States. Thorugh my own contribution, I would like to see the advancement of science in my home country. I would love pursue my studies in a different university and I chose New York University to broaden my horizons, and gain new perspectives from a different environment and from different set of individuals. I believe that I can learn more by being exposed to a diverse culture and New York is the right place. Being able to study in New York, and also later work there is a great opportunity for me. Moreover, the Graduate Program in Oral Biology fits perfectly to my needs. Going through NYU’s website, I am filled with excitement as I realize that this course shall accord me with a solid foundation in the oral biological sciences, which are more specifically targetd at teaching and research. Some areas which I am particularly interested with are periodontal and caries microbiology, chemical carcinogenesis, mechanisms of mineralization, periodontal wound healing, and tumor immunology. I also believe that this school only produces the best, and I want to become the person I would be proud of in the future. This is where I should start my future. I think that exposure to various cultures shall also help me grow significantly as a person and professional. I will be able to learn how to deal with people with different backgournds, upbringing, and cultural heritage. Because I shall have the chance to interact with them frequently, I will be able to understand and respect their culture. This is very important, since stereotypes cause people to make biased decisions, which lead to social inequity. I would love to think that my enrollment in the university will help me become more impartial to race / color. I feel that the thrusts put forth by the university are strongly consistent with those that I personally uphold. I have high hopes that I will qualify to form part of this prestigious institution. It will surely be a privilege that I will take profound pride in. And because of such pride, I will work hard to excel academically. The ultimate goal is for me to become a competent professional – to be able to contribute substantially to humanitarian causes.
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