Thursday, December 26, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Produire (to Produce) in French
The French verb produire looks similar to its English meaning of to produce, so that makes it relatively easy to remember. However, if youre going to use it properly in a sentence, its necessary to know its verb conjugations. These allow you to say things such as produced and producing and this lesson will help you learn those essential conjugates. The Basic Conjugations of Produire French verb conjugations are not the easiest part of learning the language because you have many words to memorize. Some verbs are more challenging than others and, unfortunately, produire is one of those. Produire is an irregular verb and it does not follow a regular conjugation pattern. However, it is not alone because all French verbs ending in -uire are conjugated in the same way. To make each a little easier to learn, consider taking on a few at a time. The irregularity of this verb means you will have to commit all of its conjugates to memory. Beginning with the indicative mood is the best approach. This includes the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses that you will use most often in conversation. Using the chart, match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for your subject. This will show you which ending is added to the verb stem (produi- ) to produce the conjugate. For example, je produis means I am producing while nous produisions means we produced. Present Future Imperfect je produis produirai produisais tu produis produiras produisais il produit produira produisait nous produisons produirons produisions vous produisez produirez produisiez ils produisent produiront produisaient The Present Participle of Produire Acting as a verb, or a noun, adjective, or gerund in some circumstances, the present participle of produire adds -sant to the stem. This produces the word produisant. Produire in the Compound Past Tense Passà © composà ©Ã‚ is the French compound past tense. This construction requires the past participle produit along with the present tense conjugate of avoir. When you put the two together, you get phrases such as jai produit (I produced) and nous avons produit (we produced). More Simple Conjugations of Produire There are a few more basic conjugations you may need. Among those are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former implies uncertainty while the latter is used in if...then situations. Both the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive are literary tenses and found most often in literature. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je produise produirais produisis produisisse tu produises produirais produisis produisisses il produise produirait produisit produist nous produisions produirions produismes produisissions vous produisiez produiriez produistes produisissiez ils produisent produiraient produisirent produisissent You might also find the French imperative useful for produire. When you do use it, its okay to skip the subject pronoun and simply say produis.​ Imperative (tu) produis (nous) produisons (vous) produisez
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